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Class Assignment



Using Wix as the chosen CMS platform, create a fictional e-commerce website selling home decor and goods to adults who are interested in home design that compliment their style, and are also interested in buying inexpensive products for gift giving.


Design a home page, product pages, and an about page. The website should include primary navigations, secondary navigations, and a footer. In addition, create an instagram page and three posts for the e-commerce store.

After deciding to create an e-commerce store based on home goods, I researched various home goods websites including Crate & Barrel, Effortless Compositions, and Coming Soon. I analyzed how these websites organized their products, what products and information was required, and how they set up their layout.


The next thing I researched was different CMS platforms. I found that many people with online businesses preferred Wix as a CMS for e-commerce sites. I chose Wix because it is easy to use and it gives the creator a lot of freedom in terms of the design of the website, while other CMS's like Squarespace and WordPress offered fewer themes that are easy to edit. There are also many plugins available on Wix that may be beneficial to e-commerce websites.
This site map shows the basic flow of the website, including the primary and secondary navigations and footer. I included a list of items underneath each secondary navigations to show what products are on each page.
The logo uses the script font, Nickainley Normal, to make the company feel more creative and personal. It gives it a personal touch that mirrors what consumers would look for when they are shopping for goods to decorate their homes or to give as a gift. In addition, the illustration of a sheep is a play off the word wool in woolgather. It is to elicit a sense of comfort that a home goods store should represent. An earthy color palette was used for the logo and the website to make the it look natural, inviting, and warm.

Color Palette

Typeface: Nickainley Normal

Items Screens Final.png
Instagram Profile Mockup.jpg
Instagram Post Mockup.png
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